StJacquesCompostelle The address of the Pilgrims’ office in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port: Amies du Chemin de Saint Jacques at 39 rue de la Citadelle
In season it is open from 7:30 AM to 13:00 PM and then from 14:00 PM to 20:00 PM (on Fridays and Sundays they open again later from 21:00 PM to 22:30 PM)
The telephone number is +33 559 37 05 09.
E-mail address:
You can get your credential at the office in St Jean (pilgrim’s passport) , this is required for staying in albergues and collecting your stamps (sello) along your Camino to Santiago. Additionally, the pilgrim’s office has some maps and a list of albergues, this is always the most up-to-date list.
You can also find the city map of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port below, highlighted the pilrgim’s office on it.