Albergues are hostels dedicated only for pilgrims. Download the most up-to-date list of albergues here

Albergues are hostels – but hostels only for pilgrims. You will need a pilgrim’s passport (credential) to stay in one. You can get the credential at home country confraternity, at some Albergues or at the pilgrim’s office in St Jean Pied de Port or Roncesvalles.

New albergues are opening constantly during the whole year, therefore it is almost impossible to compile a completely up to date list of Albergues. This list was updated in December 2016 and contains addresses, prices, facilities, phone numbers of all the albergues on the French way (Camino Francés).


Alt. = Alternative route;
Cred = Credential;
B&B = Bed & Breakfast;
M = Menu;
B = Breakfast;
W = Washing facilities;
D = Drying facilities;
@ = Internet;
K = Kitchen;
V = Vending machine;
P = Picnic pack;
Rte = Restaurant;

[Download list of albergues on Camino Francés 2017]