
Two drifters go on a pilgrimage from France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Along the way, they hitchhike, beg for food, and face the Christian dogmas and heresies from different Ages.


This film is of particular interest for pilgrims as it contains interviews with modern day pilgrims, a tour of a Refugio, some great stories, beautiful towns, adventurous festivals, interesting people and breathtaking scenery from the road itself.

Director: Paul Tobey


The experiences of three people from three different cultures (Japan, Brazil and Holland) who make the route to Santiago de Compostela, the Way of St. James, a millennial journey that will affect each of them in a different way. They make the journey during three different seasons (spring, winter and summer) – three independent stories, with a common link.

Director: Laurence Boulting

Narrator: Sir Richard Attenborough


Au décès de leur mère, deux frères et une soeur apprennent qu’ils ne toucheront leur héritage que s’ils font ensemble, à pied, la marche du Puy-en-Velay à Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle. Mais ils se détestent autant qu’ils détestent la marche. Ils se mettent pourtant en route, mus par l’appât du gain. Ils rejoignent leur guide au Puy et découvrent qu’ils marcheront avec un groupe de six autres personnes, dont un jeune beur qui fait croire à son cousin un peu naïf qu’il l’emmène à La Mecque, alors qu’il poursuit une jeune pèlerine, l’amour de sa vie…

Director: Coline Serreau


Las Peregrinas is a powerful and moving documentary about facing our deepest fears by questioning the value of everything that we were taught was important in life. Synopsis Statistics shows that more and more people, women in particular are quitting their jobs, leaving long-term marriages and their families to examine the value and purpose of their lives.


Walking the Camino embarks on a journey with six strangers from around the world as they attempt to cross an entire country on foot – with only a backpack, a pair of boots and an open mind. Driven by an inexplicable calling and a grand sense of adventure, each pilgrim throws themselves heart-and-soul into their physical trek to Santiago and, most importantly, their personal journey to themselves.

Director: Lydia Smith