
The Diary of a Seventeenth-Century Pilgrim from Bologna to Santiago De Compostela


Georgiana Goddard King’s seminal study, The Way of Saint James, is finally reissued. Completed in 1917, this three-volume masterpiece is a wide-ranging exploration of the history, literature, legends, and architecture of the Camino de Santiago. It is based on Professor King’s “three years wanderings” on foot and by cart, mule, and other conveyance on the Spanish pilgrimage road, and on extensive academic research with particular emphasis on medieval art and architecture.


Part travel, part history, part autobiography, The Road to Santiago describes Walter Starkie’s pilgrimages to St James of Compostella – accompanied often by the music of his fiddle.


Edwin Mullins takes the pilgrim route, fascinated by its extraordinary historical and religious symbolism. Journeying by car and by foot, he retraces the path from the Rue St. Jacques in Paris to the baroque magnificence of Santiago’s cathedral. On his way, he recounts the legends of Charlemagne, Roland and St. James himself, exploring the ideological dimension of the spiritual pilgrimage and the proliferation of religious orders around the route.


Coelho shares his experiences and recounts the trials and hindrances that he faced along the path of Santiago. He laid out how those uncanny circumstances led him in achieving personal power and profound wisdom. The purpose of the journey reveals itself as Coelho transforms himself. The book details the many teachings of the pilgrimage from love, simplicity, truth, wisdom, understanding and faith among others.


It is the camino Bible that discusses the history, tradition, folk lore, saint’s lives, art, architecture, geology and fauna and flora of the camino Frances from Somport and from Roncesvalles. The couple walked to Santiago in 1974, 1979, 1987 and 1993 accompanying groups of students on academic, medieval study programs.


The account of famed actress Shirley MacLaine’s participation in the pilgrimmage on the Camino de Santiago. This is the story of a journey. It is the eagerly anticipated and altogether startling culmination of her extraordinary and ultimately rewarding road through life.

Samartin_Senor Peregrino DK:print

A man shares stories from his youth when he embarked on a religious pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago.


At age 60 Joyce Rupp didn’t know what she was getting into when she began a 47-day pilgrimge along the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Joined by a friend, Joyce learned lessons that can help all of us travel on life’s up-and-down journey with more grace and lightness. She shares them in this enjoyable recounting of her journey across mountains and valleys, cities and farms.


Diese mit einigen netten Fotos angereicherte Buch ist ein ausgezeichneter und sehr detaillierter Reiseführer. Wichtiger noch ist aber die Funktion als vom Jakobsweg losgelöster spiritueller Ratgeber. Das Gute daran: Das Buch will gar kein spiritueller Ratgeber sein. Missionarischer Eifer, arrogante Besserwisserei, nervige Erleuchtungseskapaden? Fehlanzeige. Und doch geht es viel um Gott, Religion, Wiedergeburt und die zentrale Frage Wer bin ich? Seine Gedanken bringt Kerkeling in den so genannten Erkenntnissen des Tages auf den Punkt.